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You know that feeling you get when you're sitting in a classroom and some old dude with salt and pepper hair and a goatee whispers in your ear and you turn around and you see that he just handed you a test with a ridiculous number of questions on it?
That's what happened to Max Pruit, 18, a freshman student at Suffolk County Community College (SCCC) in Brentwood, New York, this year.
Max told the Huffington Post that he was "astonished" by the test, which contained 67 questions. He was allegedly told that the correct answer was "No" and the highest possible score was 11. Max, who said he took the test in math class, eventually scored 6.
His mom, Stacey Pruit, told the Huffington Post that she discovered the test "the next day. I knew it was a mistake, but I took it to the office and got a comment saying no one had seen it."
Stacey added that she was "so upset" by the incident. She told the Post that she's "not sure how to tell her son that a test with a 67 question limit is appropriate for a community college."
Stacey said she did email the college, and was told the incident was "an oversight."
In the email from Suffolk County Community College (SCCC), it claims that the test was "supposedly handed to students on the last day of class. We certainly didn't intend to deprive students of their final score if they received the test after the class ended."
"Our testing policy does allow us to change answers to account for grade inflation (accurate answers will be given more credit, and invalid answers will be penalized)," the email continued. "The explanation was to prevent our high school students from receiving an inflated score."
What a great way to teach. In a series of hand-written signs on his body, Max displays the mark of the beast. (Warning: The images below are not safe for work.)
According to his mom, Max was tested on the book of Revelations and the Book of Mormon. He also alleges that he was tested on passages of his own poetry, including one that reads, "I'm here to warn you all/ don be359ba680
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